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LifeFlight Lotteries – New Draw, New Name


LifeFlight has partnered with Jumbo Fundraising to bring you a new and improved lottery experience through LifeFlight Lotteries! Formerly LifeFlight Rescue Raffle, the new Lifesaving Lottery has a new home at www.lifeflightlotteries.com.au.

In the future, our lotteries programme will offer cash, gold bullion, and even cars! But the intent remains the same. All proceeds go directly back to operating and maintaining our RACQ LifeFlight Rescue helicopters and Air Ambulance jets. Head to our new lottery website to buy your tickets.

Raising money through LifeFlight Lotteries

LifeFlight Lotteries aims to assist LifeFlight in organising charity lottery draws to raise funds. All while giving their supporters the a chance at winning a major prize! By supporting LifeFlight Lotteries and purchasing tickets in the current draw, you are helping. Support from the funds raised will go to RACQ LifeFlight Rescue helicopters and Air Ambulance jets staying in the air and helping rescue crews to perform vital aeromedical care to critically ill and injured patients.

The money raised through LifeFlight Lotteries will provide many opportunities for LifeFlight to continue doing what they do best – saving lives! Every day, RACQ LifeFlight Rescue crews provide rapid-response airlifts to patients in need of hospital care, no matter how remote.

Draw 6 is now open – Win $50,000

Whether you’ve played a LifeFlight Rescue Raffle before, or just want the chance to win, get your ticket now and support LifeFlight. Lifesaving Lottery Draw 6 is now open! You have a chance to win $50,000 cash or gold bullion. Show your support and get your tickets now.

Forget playing small, it’s time to think big and make your move with $50,000! You could book the ultimate luxury holiday, buy a brand new car, or start the home renovations you’ve been saving hard for. The choice is up to you! 

Every dollar makes a difference, and from only $5 per ticket, you have a chance to win a grand prize while supporting LifeFlight as they continue to deliver emergency aeromedical services in the community.

Get your tickets today and have a chance at winning $50,000 while showing your support to LifeFlight and their vital aeromedical services. Find out more about the prize and enter the draw today!

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